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聲門(glottis)是兩瓣聲帶之間的開口. 在言語發生中,以聲帶的振動作爲聲音源的音稱爲濁音. 聲門是肺部壓出的空氣通過聲帶的出口. 發生過程中牽涉到聲門的音素稱爲聲門音. 聲門的大小受到聲帶的控制. 不同的聲門大小導致不同的語音音色. * * * de Menezes Lyra R. Glottis simulator. Anesth Analg. 1999 Jun;88(6):1422-3. * Smith, N Ty. Simulation in anesthesia: the merits of large simulators versus small simulators. Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 13(6):659-665, December 2000. * 聲帶 * 喉 * States of the Glottis (Esling Harris, University of Victoria) * Universität Stuttgart Speech production *...閱讀更多
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