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紅毯(red carpet)在傳統上用來標識國家元首在禮儀和正式場合途徑的路線,而後來被擴大到重要人物和名流在正式活動中使用. 已知最早的在文學中提到的走紅地毯是公元前458年埃斯庫羅斯撰寫的劇作《》. 在主角從特洛伊返回時,他受到了飽含仇恨的妻子克呂泰涅斯特拉以紅色道路的迎接: Now my beloved, step down from your chariot, and let not your foot, my lord, touch the Earth. Servants, let there be spread before the house he never expected to see, where Justice leads him in, a crimson path. 阿伽門農(Agamemnon)知道只有衆神才能走在這樣奢華的路上,於是誠惶誠恐地迴應: I am a mortal, a man; I cannot trample upon these tinted splendors without fear thrown in my path. 常有...閱讀更多
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